Quality check
Final impressions are lasting: quality assurance with ACCIs
Interaction with employees leaves customers with a very lasting impression of the company. Nothing is more deadly to a customer relationship than an unsuccessful interaction, or failure to keep a promise.
Most customers do not actively complain – they simply turn around and walk away without a word. That is why regular monitoring of customer interfaces is the cornerstone of quality assurance.
To this end, we have developed the ACCI (After Contact Customer Interview) tool. ACCI represents a timely survey of the last interaction with the customer interface. ACCIs can be conducted with all standard survey techniques (CATI, online, mobile). They deliver fast, clear results in the form of central KPIs.
And ACCI can do a lot more too: with our clients, the results flow directly into the variable remuneration of the direct and indirect sales staff.
Enviable prospects – and no mistake.